Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chronological Conundrum.

Trifecta's weekend prompt: "This weekend, we want you to give us a 33-word time travel story.  We don't usually tell you what to title your piece, but we'd love it if you could title it with the year/date that you choose."

April 20, 1889.
Braunau, Austria-Hungary. I stand in front of an inn. Knowing what I know, horrors yet to be imagined, I must act. As I begin, my partner stops me with two words: “unintended consequences.”


  1. Sometimes its good to have someone there to stop you. Very good.

  2. But could those consequences have really been worse? We'll never know. Thanks for linking up!

  3. Funny how many went there. You might have been too many to stop!
