Thursday, July 12, 2012


Something a little different today.  A poem inspired by the pictoral prompt over at Magpie Tales.

Here's the Pic:

Chilmark Hay, 1951 by Thomas Hart Benton

Here's the poem:


In springtime I was born anew,
Young I was, and green.
But carefully tended that season through,
I matured, both strong and lean.

My golden head grew straight and tall
With every summer rain;
And I, the king of my furrowed hall,
Knew naught of want and pain.

But come the autumn, colored red and brown,
I began to feel my age;
And knew my fate was to be struck down,
No use was it to rage.

Gathered in, I was, then ground to dust,
My life had run its span.
A victim of time’s insatiable lust;
So goes both grain and man.


  1. No autumn rage from me...I can't wait for October...

  2. Love the 'seasons' metaphor ... very nice.

  3. Thank you. The picture reminded me of the English pastoral poems, which often used passage of time as a theme.

  4. Excellent! Time for that toiling man to rest!
