Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Wishing Well"

Trifecta's weekend prompt is inspired by W.W. Jacobs' classic short story "The Monkey's Paw." The challenge is to write "33 words exactly about three wishes that come at a high price to the wisher." 

Marty suddenly realized he should have specified he was speaking metaphorically when he wished to “rocket straight to the top,”  “burning brighter than a supernova,” having a golden parachute with “no strings attached.” 


  1. *hahahaha* Fantastic! Be careful what you wish for, indeed! Those wishes can be tricksy.

    1. It's an old trope, but I think it a universal one; at least in phonetic languages. The fact that many of our words have different meanings causes consternation frequently in real life. Thank you for commenting.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. I had to work a little with the word count requirement to keep "suddenly," but I felt it was necessary to convey the immediacy of the problem.

  3. Yikes! I can just picture the surprised look on his face ... great take.

  4. Ha ha! It's funny how expressions can have more than one meaning. You captured the irony perfectly.

    1. I've been noticing lately how often people say "literally" in conversation when they actually really mean the opposite. (Including during the Vice-Presidential Debate here in the U.S.) That, and my professional training leads me to usually be very aware of the exact usage of language in most cases, even in casual conversation, often to the irritation of my friends.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

  5. Thank you to everone who read this post, and especially to the commenters. I don't always get to respond personally to each one, but they are always read and appreciated. I'm trying to improve my responding ratio...
